The Various Types of Criminal Charges and How a Lawyer Can Defend Your Rights

Even if you are averse to crime, you cannot completely rule out the possibility of facing criminal charges. For this reason, you might find it worthwhile to learn a little about what qualifies as a criminal charge, the different levels of charges, what your rights as the accused are, and how a criminal lawyer can help you through it all.

If you're being charged for a petty offense, you may be required to appear before a judge and there'll be no need for a jury. If you admit guilt, your punishment could be a simple fine. A petty offense charge may not require legal representation, especially if you are ready to admit guilt.

A misdemeanor is bigger than a petty crime but considered less serious than a felony. Punishment for a misdemeanor can include a prison sentence, depending on how bad it is. If it is of a sexual nature, you may be put under probation for quite a long time. A first offense DUI is considered a misdemeanor.

A felony, on the other hand, is a serious crime--things such as murder, rape, arson and armed robbery are felonies punishable by maximum sentences. A third DUI misdemeanor is also treated as a felony, and the punishment can involve a heavy penalty in addition to imprisonment. Check out a video about criminal law here at

It is important to note that being accused of a certain crime is not equivalent to being found guilty. You will remain innocent until it is proven beyond doubt that you committed the crime. In the early stages of the accusation process, the police might try to question you in hopes of getting a confession from you. But even if you're innocent, don't talk to them until you have a lawyer from present. Rather than allow your emotions get the better of you, let your lawyer defend your right to remain silent and handle things from the start.

A competent criminal defense attorney can come to your rescue when you're facing criminal charges, even if the case looks strong against you. In a DUI charge, for instance, the attorney will examine every detail of your case, especially the process of your arrest. They will question whether the police had probable cause to flag you, whether due procedure was followed in your arrest, and even seek to find out if you were informed of your rights. If lapses in the procedure are uncovered, the lawyer can get your case dropped or have your criminal charges massively reduced.